Natural1.Registration start from 31th March 202X- Registration Closes 30th May 202X. For details please call us at +91 9874561230|





• Exclusive computer labs

• Merit based scholarships.

• Smart Classroom

Welcome to Gyan Ganga Public School


  • Gyan Ganga Public School Bagen, a dream project of many educationist who have expertise in education field and have great future vision. The thought behind the school is to make a change in the society through the future building of our youth. Gyan Ganga Public School Bagenhas also exclusive guidance & leadership from various eminent personality those have vast experience in many fields like management, finance, medical, engineering and various other reputed fields. The experience of these eminent personality will foster in developing a overall growth of a child.


Admission norms:

  • Registration form will be available on all working days at school counters.
  • Last date of application with duly filled is  30th April 202X. Incomplete form will not be accepted.
  • Applications will be shortlisted based on prerequisite criteria by the school administration.
  • Written+oral exams will be conducted by the school authority for further shortlisting.
  • Shortlisted candidates will undergo free medical checkups.
  • List of final shortlisted candidates will be available on the school notice board as well as on school website and SMS.

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